“From reading this book, you will learn that not all differences will be resolved. Differences are a normal part of life. The goal is not too think alike, but to think together (Matheson, 2009, x).” This is just one phrase from the book Keeping Love Alive: Answers to 100 Marriage Questions by Kenneth W. Matheson, that many couples can consider in this well-written book.

Keeping Love Alive is a 198-pg. book full of ideas to help married couples strengthen their marriage and feel more equipped in dealing with the difficulties and change they may encounter. The introduction has a message about why this book is more valuable than many other books written about marriage. The author expresses that, unlike many other authors, he understands that when it comes helping marriages; one size does not fit all.  I personally enjoyed the set-up of the book because it contains questions that are included at the beginning of each chapter and thorough, thoughtful answers follow each question. The chapter titles are set up alphabetically, starting with Abuse, and ending on Trust.  I appreciated that the written content in each chapter is straight-forward, easy to read, and targets a broad audience of people in many different situations and backgrounds.

Reading that the author has an educational background and work experience relating to the contents of this book, helped me trust that what I was reading was credible and could really work for those who apply its teachings. The author is a licensed social worker, a marriage and family therapist, and a professor.  He expresses very knowledgeable information and makes sure to list reference notes after each chapter. This book contains a lot of research, but the research is incorporated into the author's own ideas, making it sound more personable and less like a research paper.

After reading this book, I feel that the main goal of Keeping Love Alive is to help its readers gain a better understanding of many different aspects of their marriages, and then encourages them to go forward and apply what they learn. The questions, as mentioned above, that are asked at the beginning of each chapter, allow for the reader to answer the question as it applies to their own marriage.  I am not married yet, but this book was absolutely a valuable resource for ways of dealing with and strengthening any relationship.
Matheson W. Kenneth. 2009. Keeping love alive: Answers to 100 marriage questions.Cedar   Fort, Inc.


5 Responses so far.

  1. It is interesting to me how the author of this book set up the chapters in alphabetical order. Like you stated Mr. Matheson begins the book with a chapter entitled, "Abuse", and ends with one entitled, "Trust". I believe Mr. Matheson intentionally meant to set up his book this way because it not only shows that Trust is a key factor in any relationship especially a marriage, but also that Abuse is the opposite of Trust.

    -Elizabeth H.

  2. Unknown says:

    Your review makes me want to read the book.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Great job, Tara! This book sounds like a great read. :)

  4. Unknown says:

    This book sounds very interesting. And definitely helpful for couples who want to look up certain issues to improve on, without having to read an entire book.

  5. Unknown says:

    I am married and sometimes I feel my husband and I aren't connecting, especially since we had kids. This book sounds like it might give me some tips, plus it sounds interesting. I like how the book contains questions and answers. Thank you for the resource.

    Lisa Cropp

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